Bosch Dishwasher Error Code E01 – Quick Fix!

A brief overview of Bosch dishwashers and their diagnostic system is a summary of the key features and characteristics of Bosch dishwashers, as well as how they are equipped with a diagnostic system that can identify and display error codes when something goes wrong.

This overview might include information on the types of dishwashers offered by Bosch, their energy efficiency and cleaning performance, and any notable features or technologies that set them apart from other brands. It could also include details on how the diagnostic system works, such as how it monitors the dishwasher’s performance and displays error codes when issues are detected.

What is E01 Error Code?

The introduction of error E01 is the introduction of a specific error code that can be displayed by a Bosch dishwasher. Error E01 typically indicates a problem with the water supply to the dishwasher, such as a blocked inlet hose or a faulty water inlet valve.

It is important to address this error code because it can affect the dishwasher’s ability to fill with water and operate properly. Ignoring this error code could lead to further issues with the dishwasher, such as poor cleaning performance or damage to the appliance.

Bosch Dishwasher All Error Codes

Bosch dishwashers are highly advanced appliances that are equipped with a diagnostic system that can help identify and display error codes when something goes wrong. These error codes can provide valuable information about the specific issue that is causing the dishwasher to malfunction, making it easier to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

If you are experiencing issues with your Bosch dishwasher, it is important to check the error code displayed on the control panel. This will give you a good idea of what the problem might be and what steps you can take to fix it. If you are unsure of how to interpret the error code or how to fix the issue, you can consult a website like dishwasherguys, which provides detailed information on all possible Bosch dishwasher error codes and their solutions.

By familiarizing yourself with the diagnostic system and error codes of your Bosch dishwasher, you can take a proactive approach to maintain and troubleshooting your appliance, helping to ensure that it operates at its best and serves you well for many years to come.

Causes of Error E01

The causes of error E01 refer to the various factors that can contribute to the display of this error code on a Bosch dishwasher. Some of the possible causes of error E01 include:

  1. Issues with the water supply: Error E01 can indicate a problem with the water supply to the dishwasher. This could include a blocked inlet hose, which prevents water from flowing into the dishwasher, or a faulty water inlet valve, which is responsible for controlling the flow of water into the appliance.
  2. Problems with the wiring or control board: Another potential cause of error E01 is a problem with the wiring or control board of the dishwasher. This could include loose or damaged wiring, which can interfere with the dishwasher’s ability to function properly, or a faulty control board, which is responsible for controlling the various functions of the appliance.

It is important to identify and address the specific cause of error E01 in order to fix the issue and prevent future problems with the dishwasher. Some causes may be easy to fix, such as a blocked inlet hose, while others may require professional assistance, such as a faulty control board.

Symptoms of error E01

Error E01 can cause a variety of symptoms, which can vary depending on the specific cause of the error code. Some common symptoms of error E01 include:

  1. Dishwasher not filling with water: One of the most obvious signs of error E01 is that the dishwasher is not filling with water. This could be due to a problem with the water inlet valve or a blockage in the inlet hose.
  2. Dishwasher displaying an error message or flashing lights: Another symptom of error E01 is that the dishwasher may display an error message or flashing lights on its control panel. This can be an indication that something is wrong with the appliance and that it is not functioning properly.
  3. Other signs to look out for: In addition to the above symptoms, there are other signs to look out for that may indicate the presence of error E01. These can include the dishwasher not starting or stopping unexpectedly, dishes coming out dirty or not properly cleaned, and strange noises coming from the appliance.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to identify and address the cause of error E01 as soon as possible in order to prevent further issues with the dishwasher.

How to fix error E01

If your Bosch dishwasher is displaying error E01, there are several steps you can take to try to fix the issue:

  1. Check the inlet hose and water inlet valve: If the issue is with the water supply to the dishwasher, the first thing to check is the inlet hose and water inlet valve. Make sure that the inlet hose is not blocked or kinked, and that the water inlet valve is not clogged or damaged. If you find any issues with the inlet hose or water inlet valve, you can try cleaning them or replacing them as needed.
  2. Replace a faulty water inlet valve or control board: If the issue is with a faulty water inlet valve or control board, you may need to replace these parts. This is typically a more complex repair that may require the assistance of a professional appliance repair service.
  3. Check and repair wiring issues: If the issue is with the wiring of the dishwasher, you may need to check for loose or damaged wires and repair or replace them as needed. This can also be a more complex repair that may require professional assistance.

It is important to unplug the dishwasher and shut off the water supply before attempting any repairs. If you are unsure of how to fix the issue or are unable to do so, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a professional appliance repair service.


Error E01 is an error code that can be displayed by Bosch dishwashers. It typically indicates a problem with the water supply, such as a blocked inlet hose or a faulty water inlet valve. Other possible causes include issues with the wiring or control board.

Symptoms of error E01 include the dishwasher not filling with water, the dishwasher displaying an error message or flashing lights, and other issues with the appliance’s performance. To fix error E01, it is important to identify the cause of the issue and take the appropriate steps to resolve it.

If you are unable to fix the issue on your own, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a professional appliance repair service. It is also important to remember to unplug the dishwasher and shut off the water supply before attempting any repairs. To prevent future issues, it is advisable to regularly maintain and clean the appliance.